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a blind man in a dark cellar looking for a black cat that isn't there

Lucene 8 Custom Analyzer SPI Names

21 Nov 2019
Using SPI (service provider interface) names allows us to use the Lucene CustomAnalyzer. This can be much more succinct than using the related classes directly.

Lucene 8.3 Basic Search Examples

20 Nov 2019
A basic introduction to Lucene, including the following: Setting up Lucene 8, building an index, using analyzers, and performing full-text searches across millions of IMDB movie titles. This is my first time using Lucene, so it only scratches the surface of what the library offers.

Highlighting Text Output

18 Nov 2019
The linux tput command can be used to format text output in a variety of ways. Here I use it to add some color to my terminal output.

Backup File Proliferation

17 Nov 2019
Two approaches for linux log file compression and purging: custom scripts and logrotate.

DataTables - Notes on Sorting and Filtering

16 Nov 2019
The Datatables library can add a great deal of functionality to plain HTML tables. I will focus on a couple of sorting and filtering techniques which I have found useful - especially when handling text containing accents and diacritics.

The Curse of the Diaeresis

15 Nov 2019
What happens when a user wants to search your website for a word such as cooperate, but some instances are stored as coöperate? Notice those two tiny dots on top of the second ö? What are they? And why do we care?

Jdbi - Fluent Generic JDBC

14 Nov 2019
Jdbi is is built on top of JDBC - you can use Jdbi wherever you have a JDBC driver. I use it for the way it lets me load result sets directly into my Java classes. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

Thymeleaf - Two Powerful Features

13 Nov 2019
The Thymeleaf templating language has many great features. But I will focus mainly on two, here: (1) Its template fragments using parameters - which let you build generic HTML widgets; and (2) its pre-processing directive - which adds a lot of power to what Thymeleaf can do for you.

Javalin - Jetty Session Tracking

13 Nov 2019
Javalin is a simple web framework for Java and Kotlin. It uses an embedded Jetty web server, which means you can configure the core features of Jetty to enhance your Javalin web application. Here I will look at setting up custom session management via a JDBC handler, and using a related database table.

Javalin - TLS 1.3 and HTTP/2

13 Nov 2019
Javalin is a simple web framework for Java and Kotlin. It uses an embedded Jetty web server, which means you can configure the core features of Jetty to enhance your Javalin web application. Here I will look at setting up TLS 1.3 and HTTP/2 for my webapp.