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a blind man in a dark cellar looking for a black cat that isn't there

Streaming and Parsing a CSV File

06 Mar 2022
Parsing a CSV file is a simple task, with great library support. This short example uses Commons CSV, together with Java streaming techniques. It also uses an enum, a lambda, a static factory method, a method reference, and other techniques. In other words, a combination of different tools, with some notes to help me remember it all.

Linux and Bash commands with ANSI-C escaping

17 Feb 2022
Quick note on the syntax for using control characters in bash commands…

Unexpected Data Truncation in Informatica

08 Jan 2022
Why is the data in one of my fields being truncated to 4,000 characters when I read from a data source or via a lookup?

Execution Stats for a Linux Process

02 Jan 2022
Note to self about gathering statistics for a Linux process, with a bonus note on generating a large random data file as input.

Installing Corretto on Amazon Linux 2

29 Dec 2021
Some basic notes on how to install Corretto onto a Linux 2 instance on AWS.

Thymeleaf vs. SpEL vs. OGNL

26 Nov 2021
Thymeleaf uses the Apache Commons OGNL (Object Graph Navigation Library). But there is also SpEL (the Spring Expression Language). This is a quick note on the differences - and an example where different behaviors may trip you up.

Thymeleaf - An Expression of Surprise

12 Nov 2021
Be wary of using hyphens (dashes) in Thymeleaf expression names, as these can lead to some surprising results.

Drawing Shapes on an HTML Image with a Canvas

10 Nov 2021
A look at how to draw shapes onto an image displayed in an HTML canvas. Also, how to display those shapes with rollovers and via links.

Class Loaders, Data Sources, Service Providers and JDBC

08 Nov 2021
What starts out as a simple question (where do I put my JDBC drivers in Tomcat?) quickly leads down a rabbit hole…

More on Lucene Classic Queries

27 Aug 2021
Notes on the Lucene Classic Query Parser and its Syntax