Welcome to northCoder

a blind man in a dark cellar looking for a black cat that isn't there

Review of Class Types

12 Feb 2018
For my own review…

Some Basic SQL Examples

27 Jan 2018
Some basic SQL examples.

UML Diagrams

24 Sep 2017
Review of UML diagrams and notation

Language Tags

27 Oct 2016
In HTML and XML documents a language tag is used to indicate the language of content. But language tags can be used much more widely than that. One problem I have found when trying to build language tags is that there can appear to be multiple different language tags for a given context. So how do you choose the right ones for your needs?

Generating a List of Blogger Post Titles

12 Aug 2016
I wanted to create a Blogger page containing a list of all the posts in this blog. I was not able to find a pre-built widget to do this.

Set Up CentOS 7 on VMWare

31 Jul 2016
Overview on setting up networking and a GUI.

JSF and EE6 managed beans and scopes

27 Dec 2015
Cheat sheet for JSF and EE6 managed beans and scopes.

PhantomJS Binary for Selenium - Build Notes

29 Oct 2015
Configuring a headless browser on Linux using PhantomJS, to support Selenium testing.

Informatica PowerCenter Installation and Configuration

18 Oct 2015
Commands to help build an Informatica PowerCenter environment, after completing a fresh software installation on a new Linux server.

Largest Files and Directories in a Linux Filesystem

18 Oct 2015
A script to find the largest files and directories on a linux file system.