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a blind man in a dark cellar looking for a black cat that isn't there

Use Spring's Thymeleaf Dialect Without a Spring Application

21 Nov 2022
You don’t need a full Spring framework application to take advantage of Spring’s dialect of Thymeleaf. But you may need to make some non-trivial configuration changes to your application, depending on how it integrates with Thymeleaf (and its standard dialect).

Windows findstr - sort of a bit like grep

19 Nov 2022
Another Windows command I always have to look up every time I need to use it.

Custom Routes in Javalin

16 Nov 2022
I wanted to set up a “maintenance mode” for a web application built on Javalin. That is, when the site is in maintenance mode, all normal routes are ignored (and the user sees a single “in maintenance” page), unless that user logs in as a site administrator.

MySQL on Linux - Incorrect GPG Keys Installed

13 Nov 2022
MySQL on Linux - Unable to update packages for version 8.0.28 and later, due to incorrect GPG key.

Upgrading Thymeleaf 3.0 to 3.1

03 Nov 2022
Handling a deprecation warning when upgrading Thymeleaf from 3.0 to 3.1.

Showing and Hiding Long Data in a Table

09 Oct 2022
Toggling long content in each cell of a DataTable

Passing Java Functions in Variables

17 Sep 2022
Passing Java functions around using variables. Some example code, with notes. And a reminder that just because you can pass functions around in this way, doesn’t mean you always should.

Modifying Exported DataTables Data

06 Sep 2022
Three ways (and one legacy way) to customize data being exported from DataTables to targets such as Excel, PDF, CSV, etc.

Converting Between Character Encodings with Java

01 Sep 2022
A closer look at what it means to convert between different character encodings in Java. Along the way, this includes a review of char, byte and int primitives, and some ways to handle hexadecimal values stored in strings.

Embedded Tomcat v9.0 and v10.0

13 Aug 2022
There are a few tutorials on how to run a web application using embedded Tomcat. They are all informative, and none of them work.