Welcome to northCoder

a blind man in a dark cellar looking for a black cat that isn't there

The Jdbi @ColumnName Annotation

03 Apr 2021
How my basic use of this annotation tripped me up…

Lucene's PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper

17 Mar 2021
How to use different analyzers on different fields when building a Lucene index?

Thymeleaf: Using External CSS and JavaScript Files

13 Mar 2021
A closer look at using different Thymeleaf template resolvers to handle web pages which import external JavaScript and CSS files - all of which contain Thymeleaf expressions.

Jetty Session Tracking - Part 2

14 Feb 2021
This is a long-overdue follow-up on an old note about session tracking with Jetty, using a relational data store.

Time Zone History

02 Feb 2021
Time Zone History

Ajax: Differences Between jQuery and DataTables

20 Jan 2021
DataTables makes use of jQuery’s ajax functionality. But there are some important differences between how each library works.

Jackson's ObjectMapper and TypeReference

15 Jan 2021
Some notes on Jackson’s ObjectMapper, when using it without any custom POJO classes, to deserialize an arbitrary piece of JSON to a Java Map.

Using Hugo, Atom, GitHub and Render

12 Jan 2021
Some notes on how I am using Hugo for this platform.

Lucene.Net v4.8.0 Set-Up

11 Jan 2021
Installing the Lucene.Net libraries for version 4.8.0.

Lucene Query Types

02 Jan 2021
A reference list of the different query types in Lucene.