Welcome to northCoder

a blind man in a dark cellar looking for a black cat that isn't there

Custom Sorting and Column Types in DataTables

22 Jun 2021
What if we have certain values in a column (e.g. blanks/nulls) which should always be sorted to the end of the listing, regardless of whether the sort order is ascending or descending?

Lucene Proximity Searches

17 Jun 2021
Unconfusing myself about Lucene’s proximity search functionality.

Sticky Examples

16 Jun 2021
The power of simple examples in support of good design practices…

Jakarta REST (JAX-RS) on Tomcat 10

22 May 2021
Notes on setting up a REST service on Tomcat 10 using JAX-RS and Jersey

Wrong and Wrong Again

21 May 2021
Because terminology is important.

Exporting to Excel from DataTables

01 May 2021
Some links and reference notes relating to the jQuery DataTables library, and its ability to export table data to Excel.

JSON from a String

25 Apr 2021
Note to self: Quick ways to create an arbitrary JSON object from a string. Useful when testing.

Getting L2 Cache Statistics using Mbeans

15 Apr 2021
Following on from the previous article, this is a quick look at how to extract L2 cache statistics from Ehcache using managed beans.

Setting Up Hibernate with JCache and Ehcache

14 Apr 2021
A quick look at setting up Ehcache as the second-level cache for Hibernate, using the JCache API.

Customizing DataTables Global Search

09 Apr 2021
A look at two ways to customize the behavior of the DataTables global search function.