Embedded Tomcat v9.0 and v10.0
13 Aug 2022
There are a few tutorials on how to run a web application using embedded Tomcat. They are all informative, and none of them work.
WebSockets using Java and JavaScript
08 Aug 2022
A basic, self-contained WebSockets demo where messages generated by Javalin (Java) are sent to a web page containing a DataTable
Eclipse, Maven and Tomcat - A Basic Set-Up
06 Aug 2022
A minimal guide to setting up a minimal web application in Eclipse, using Maven as the dependency manager (as opposed to using an Eclipse Dynamic Web Project).
RabbitMQ's Management API
01 Aug 2022
It’s possible to access a wide array of data about your RabbitMQ installation using the RabbitMQ management API - a REST API which returns JSON responses. Some of the data can be a bit unintuitive without an explanation, and the documentation was initially a bit hard to find… Here are some notes…
Spring Boot Demo for DataTables Server-Side Processing
28 Jul 2022
A small demo app showing some features of Spring Boot for handling a Thymeleaf template, a JSON request, using Spring JdbcTemplate, with some Java records, lambdas and streams. The demo uses a server-side DataTable
for the demo. Not intended for production use.
Jakarta EE 9 on Tomcat 10 - A Basic Set-Up
13 Jul 2022
A very basic Maven-based set-up for a Jakarta EE 9 web app (servlet) running on Tomcat 10, using NetBeans 13.
Two Ways to Integrate an SSL Certificate Into a Web Site
29 Jun 2022
Two different configurations for my SSL certificate: one for Tomcat and another for embedded Jetty.
Java Class Object Encodings - Summary Table
27 Jun 2022
Because I can never remember what the abbreviations mean.
How to Break Java's Type Safety System
27 Jun 2022
A simple-looking piece of code which results in something other than a list of
values being stored in a List<Integer>
object.Notes on Floating Point Numbers in Java
12 Jun 2022
Some notes to self about inaccuracies in floating point values.