As mentioned on the home page, the NuGet command to install the latest version of Lucene.Net is:

Install-Package Lucene.Net -Pre

Currently, that means you will get Lucene.Net version 4.8.0-beta00013.

However, what I did not immediately realize is that you also need to run the following command, to get the additional Analysis.Common package:

Install-Package Lucene.Net.Analysis.Common -Version 4.8.0-beta00013

Without this, some fundamental classes, such as StandardAnalyzer will be missing.

After installing this additional package, the StandardAnalyzer can be accessed as follows:

using Lucene.Net.Analysis.Standard;

Other packages:

  • Lucene.Net.Queries - more filters and queries for Lucene.Net.
  • Lucene.Net.Contrib - facets, spatials, highlighters, etc.
  • Lucene.Net.Sandbox - 3rd party contributions, new ideas/extensions.